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Support Our Children's Scholarship Fund

A week of camp at JCA is so much more than just a week of camp. Most of the children who come through our doors have almost no knowledge of their Judaism and are at risk of losing their Jewish identity. Many of them come from single-parent homes, or homes where only one parent – or even only one grandparent – is Jewish. Attending JCA is often their last chance of connecting to their culture, heritage, and religion.


The children who come to our camp get to experience a once-in-a-lifetime summer filled with art, music, field trips, challah baking, Orlando trips, robotics, mad science, Jewish music and song, sports, swimming lessons, barbeques, and more. Unfortunately, though we do everything in our power to reduce the cost, giving children the summer they deserve is often too expensive for the children who need it the most.  


For this reason, the Jewish Camp of the Arts relies greatly on kind donors like yourself to make it possible to give children in need the best summer of their lives, and memories that will last a lifetime.


All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive a thank you letter by US mail.


Thank you for your kindness.

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