Our School
Mission Statement
The mission of The Jewish School of the Arts is to operate a Jewish early childhood center where a child two years and up can receive care in a warm and loving environment under the guidance of qualified competent and licensed teachers.
The Center blends Judaic and secular subjects into a program that is rich, fulfilling, and stimulating. It is dedicated to meeting each child’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual needs. Our fundamental belief is that by teaching Jewish heritage, we provide the foundation for our children’s future as responsible and caring adults.
Dedication to the refinement of the mind and spirit has always been the hallmark of the Jewish way of living. The ever-present demand for excellence both in scholarship and social consciousness dates to the very beginning of our Jewish heritage. The perpetuation of high principles and ideals as a people is guaranteed through, and is directly related to the degree of support given to educational institutions.
We are proud to offer a creative Jewish environment where your child’s individuality is valued and nurtured.
We hope to make you feel a part of our “family” as The Jewish School of the Arts is a place where parents and indeed, the entire family, play an integral part in the education process. Through holiday celebrations, parent conferences, social activities and other functions, your family becomes intertwined within the school community.
The Jewish School of the Arts endeavors to create a warm and friendly environment staffed by caring teachers who are, above all, concerned about your child and their development and shower the children with love and affection. Current thinking in the field of early childhood education echoes a statement by King Solomon, found in the Book of Proverbs: “Educate a child in his way, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
We share with parents the important task of raising children to be caring, responsible and creative Jews. We look at each child as an individual worthy of our attention and respect.
The Jewish School of the Arts provides the excitement of new discoveries and the development of responsible and independent thought.
Our curriculum is at the forefront of a constantly changing educational environment. We continually update our programming to keep pace with new developments in the field of early childhood education.
Underpinning all this, at the heart of our program, is our desire to nurture within our children concern, kindness, and sensitivity for their fellow human beings.
The Jewish School of the Arts provides a curriculum that incorporates all areas of a child’s development (physical, emotional, social, and intellectual) through an integrated approach.
The curriculum emphasizes learning as an interactive process. Teachers prepare the environment for children to learn through active exploration.
Opportunities are provided for children to choose from a variety of activities, materials and equipment with time to explore through discovery and involvement. Adults facilitate children’s engagement with materials and activities and extend children’s learning by asking questions or making suggestions that stimulate children’s thinking. Children’s inquiries and curiosity will often be the motivating force for curricular units.
We empower the child to be an active learner and participant in the learning process. Children are considered able communicators and capable researchers, innovating and learning and thereby building essential self-motivational skills, forming an effective basis for a lifetime of learning. Children are encouraged to work in collaborative teams, problem-solving and learning from one another. They are encouraged to dialogue, critique, compare, negotiate and hypothesize. Multiple perspectives help children to build reciprocal relationships.
This speaks to our overarching goals of having the children emerge with a strong sense of self, confident in whom they are as Jews and ready to interact in a kind, compassionate manner with the world around them.
To promote the child’s total development the following activities will be included in his/her learning experience:
Reading readiness activities
Science experiments
Language experience
Writing activities
Finger plays, songs
Puppet play
Dramatic Play
Dress-up/ housekeeping
To promote the child’s total development the following activities will be included in his/her learning experience:
Flannel board activities
Play Games
Block play
Construction activities
Outdoor play
Gross and fine motor skills
Cooking experiences
While participating in these activities, each child will have opportunities to:
Flannel board activities
Play Games
Block play
Construction activities
Outdoor play
Gross and fine motor skills
Cooking experiences